Etobicoke Collegiate offers four biology course. Two courses dealing directly biological theory and two courses dealing with in a broader sense of enviromental science.

Biology 11(code SCH3A)

This course deals with such units as cell structure and processes, vascular plants, growth and structure, genetis continuity, bacteria and viruses, vertbrate digestive systes, vertebrate transport systems, vertebrate gas-exchange systems vertebrate reproduction and development. Additional topics include vertebrate systems, mycology, invertebrate animals, and the impact of science on society. Altough the course treats several area of biology,it also proides a foundation for students who wish to pursue furthe studies in biology at the OAC leval.

Biology OAC(code SCHOA)

Provides some general knowledge for students who do not wish to study biology in the future , but also gives a basic foundation for those who will advance to more work in biology in their post-secondary education. The course work involves laboratory work, possible field trips and library research.The main topics include biochemistry of life, ctyology and bioenergetics of living cels, photosynthesis and plant physiology, genetics and DNA, diversity of life and evolution theory, internal and external processes with respect to animal homeostasis, and ecology of "Spaceshi Earth". These topis include the scientific method, microscopic techniques for in-depth cytological studies and a more inclusive approach to mammalian and invertebrat physiology.

The remaining two courses are the environmental science courses, below are the course descriptions for both of these courses.

Environmental Science 10(code SEN2A)

This course stresses applications of environmental issues. Feild studies and using research skills are integral parts of this course. The core units are the natural environment, energy systems, a terrestrial ecosystem study and population ecology. As well if time allows introduction to soil science, plant and animal reproduction, essentials of plant science, domestics animals and their food requirements, microbiology, forestry, outdoor (survival) skills is taught.

Environmental Science 12(code SEN4A)

This course explores the core topics of energy resources, an aquatic ecosystem study, and environmental quality. Students will also study applied genetics, envronmental health hazrds, soils - an essential resource, fish and wildlife consrevation, pests and pest control, environmental modification, and outdoor survival skills,

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