Etobicoke Collegiate offers two chemistry courses. Below is an overview of the chemistry courses offered at E.C.I.

Chemistry 11(code SCH3A)

This course provides a fundamental background, and gives students an opportunity to understand chemical concepts, handle chemicals safely, and appreciate the applications of chemical reactions in technology and society. The units are matter, elements and chemical bonding, gases, chemical reactions, chemical reation calculations, solutions, and industry and society, Labwork is an essential aspect of the course.

Chemistry OAC(code SCHOA)

This course completes the curriculum of chemistry in high school begun with SCH3A. The same laboratory centred approach is found in both courses, including mandated student experimental activities. This course is intended to prepare the student or further study in chemistry at the university level, thus placing more emphasis on mathematical skills than the preceding course, SCH3A. The topics include organic chemistry, atomic structure and molecular architecture, energy and rates in chemical reactions, equilibrium, redox, and electrochemisrty. An idependent study component of the course requires research, collecting, organizing and analyzing data, and presenting scientific conclusions in am acceptable manner.

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